The Best Wellness Apps to Help You Meet Your Goals

I love using technology to help myself and my patient’s reach their weight loss/fitness/meditation/wellness goals. Today, I am sharing my top 5 favorite apps that range from meditation to nutrition to workout plans.
This is the most comprehensive and user friendly meditation app out there. There are different areas that you can focus on including work, sleep, and stress and different time frames from 10-60 minutes. The guided meditations help you to incorporate skills like body scan and note taking as you deepen your practice. The website also has plenty of resources and research that supports the use of meditation for overall health and wellness.
Nike Training Club & Nike+ Run Club
I love these apps! The Training Club gives you access to over 100 workouts from decathlon training to restorative yoga….. for FREE! Run Club tracks your runs and gives you personalized coaching. It’s the perfect app to use if you are training for something specific or just like to keep track of your workouts.
I’m sure you’ve tried or at least heard of Kayla Itsines Beach Body Guide workouts. In this app, Kayla and trainers Kelsey Wells and Sjana Earp come together to provide three different styles of workouts – the Beach Body Guide, yoga, and post-pregnancy guide. They also include nutrition plans.
The 8Fit plans are really similar to the Sweat features; however, they are more personalized workouts and nutrition plans. The programs are shorter than the 12 week Sweat plans, but you can start a new plan once you have completed the one you are working on. 8Fit also has a free version that is great to use to see if you like the workouts before buying the Pro version.
Calm is really similar to Headspace. It has guided meditations with a variety of different themes. It also has packages or individual sessions. What I really love about Calm is it sends you a daily meditation that can help you to remember to take the time to slow down if you aren’t working on a specific plan. It also has Sleep Stories to help with sleep!
Do you have any apps or trackers that works for you? Please share!