Fashioning Your Best Life by Jacy Overstreet


When you come from a small town, you tend to form unspoken connections with ladies who share similar interests and understand where you come from. This was the case for me the first time I met Jacy Overstreet, the face behind Love, Lenore. Jacy has undeniable style and an inspiring story of finding peace in the unexpected discourse of your best laid plans. She’s sharing with us today, along with a Spring outfit for those tricky days with “in-between” weather.

-The Women  of The Well

Hi guys! My name is Jacy, and I’m the blogger behind Love, Lenore, a personal style blog where I share my favorite outfits, shopping finds, beauty products, inspiration, and life experiences. The purpose of my blog is to not only share my love of all things fashion + style, but to also help women realize that you can find your own personal style that you love regardless of your budget or where you live. And, because I’m sure you’re wondering, my blog name comes from my middle name that was passed down to me by my mama. I’ve always loved it, and my blog was the perfect opportunity to use my middle name in a meaningful way.

Before I get into the background of all that, here’s a little bit more about me… I live in a smallish Missouri town with my husband of nearly three years, Trey, and rescue dogs Lulu and Russell! My full-time gig is as the communications director for our local school district, and I’m one of the lucky ones because I really do love my job (most days anyway)! In my [very limited] free time, I love to take workout classes, try healthy recipes, snap photos, and binge-watch TV shows with Trey.

You know how they say that you that you never know what the future holds? That has definitely rung true for me. I have always been a driven person…. I had my career in fashion PR picked out early on in high school, I knew I was going to move to a big city after college, and I had no interest in getting married “young.” I’m sure you can see where this is going…

Trey and I met during our sophomore years at Mizzou, and the rest was history. I was instantly drawn to his charisma, maturity, love for his family, and all of our similar interests. I had never planned on getting married young (I was going to be a career woman and make it on my own!!), but a year after graduation, we exchanged our vows at the ripe old age of 23. That same summer, I got a great job offer (my current job) in Trey’s hometown and we got a great deal on a house, just a few miles from Trey’s mom, brothers and their families. So much for my big city, fashion mecca, single woman “plans!”

So how does all of this tie in with blogging? Blogging has been a steady force for me through all of these “change of plans” experiences. I started my blog toward the end of college at the urging of a dear friend, and not only has it been my creative outlet, but also my tie to the fashion world. I didn’t end up going into fashion PR, but my love of fashion has never diminished. Although my style and “voice” have gone through many transformations and rebrands since the early days, one thing has always stayed the same: blogging has always been my source of creative fulfillment.

I’m sure many people feel that fashion blogging is frivolous or vain, and most don’t even have a guess about how much time and hard work it takes. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be a “big blogger” or have way more Instagram followers. But at the end of every day, blogging is still so fulfilling to me because I get to see all of my hard work and creativity and growth put forth every day. And years down the road I’ll be able to look back on my blog posts and see what hair color I was sporting at the time, what trips Trey and I got to go on, and ultimately, what I was experiencing in each season of life.

Thank you so much for letting me share a little bit of my background, and thank you to the ladies of The Well for creating such a positive space for women!


Transitional Look for Spring







What I’m wearing:

Similar Top (also here)  |   Jeans   |   Shoes   |   Necklace 1   |   Necklace 2 

Connect with Jacy on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest

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