Two Words 11.23.16

“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118: 24

“Praise brings presence.”  One of my favorite pastors told me this once, and it really resonated with me.  It’s true; to live in His presence, we are to praise Him.  When Jesus was teaching us how to pray, he began His prayer with, “Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name.” More simply put:  “Glory to God!”  “We adore you Father!” “May YOU be magnified!”

Have you ever truly lived in His presence? The peace and comfort He brings when we just hang with Him is something I want constantly in my life. But how? In Psalm 37:4, it tells us that when we desire things of the Lord, He will give them to us. We just have to ask.

Simply telling the Lord “thank you” or playing your favorite praise and worship song in the car are ways you can praise your Father. It might feel uncomfortable at first, especially if you are having a hard day. But as those thank-you’s roll off your lips, you’ll start to feel the change in your heart and the presence of the Lord filling your spirit.

Fill your moments with thank-you’s. I promise your days will start to turn around. Living in the presence of the Lord Almighty is a game changer.

P.S. Happy Birthday, Dad! Love you mucho.

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