Keep Going, Sister! 3.31.17

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

Hebrews 6:10

Whatever you do for God, especially when you love on other Christians, will never goes unnoticed. Even though we might not see the fruit of our labor, God promises us that He never forgets the work we do for Him. We will always be rewarded. And you know our Father, He is the keeper of all promises. You can trust Him. (Psalm 145:13)

While on Earth, we make financial investments. Rather it be stocks, bonds, annuities, we never really know how much money (or if any!) we will gain back in return. It’s always a gamble, no matter the risk level.

Investing in the kingdom of Jesus Christ is always low risk, high return. No questions asked. Every second and every penny you invest into the kingdom, there is a huge reward. Our Heavenly Father isn’t cheap, He always gives us His best (i.e. His son, Jesus). Keep investing in the kingdom. No matter your circumstance, keep giving to Him while having faith that He sees you. And believe me, He is proud of you.

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