How to Start Blogging by Christine McMichael

When we decided to launch The Well Today, there was one individual who was instrumental in helping us get our feet off the ground. That person was Christine! She was a God-send during that crucial time. She advised us on systems, ironed out the details, and allowed us to deliver the best possible version of our vision for The Well. We know you will gain something from her experience as well, especially if you have ever been interested in starting your own blog.
-The Women of The Well
Hi, everyone! My name’s Christine and I’m the healthy food and fitness blogger behind Jar Of Lemons. I’m so glad to be here on The Well, today, talking about how to start blogging! Thanks for having me, friends!
If your daydreams consist of an Instagram account full of taco recipes, a website full of pretty home/lifestyle photos, sponsored travel adventures, or having photos of your glamorous, fashionable self seen by thousands…ok, millions, then this post is for you. It’s time to start your blog!
I can’t guarantee the millions of followers for your fashion blog thing, but I can promise you that your goal of starting a blog is achievable! Once you start, you can grow it to your heart’s desire. But sometimes starting is the hardest part!
I’ve been blogging over on Jar Of Lemons for almost 2 years now (blogaversary is on June 1st! – woot woot!), and it’s been quite a journey to say the least! It’s so fun and rewarding, but it can also be a lot of work. There’s been a few times that my husband has come to see me covered in flour, ice cream explosion all over our kitchen (including the ceiling…yeah…it went everywhere), and practically in tears. There’s also been times where he’s come home to see me overjoyed and excited because a brand I’ve wanted to work with contacted me or because traffic is on the rise!
The ups and downs are real, but if you’re ready to put in the time and work, this blogging journey is SO worth it. Are you ready, friend? Here’s how to start blogging:
Go with what motivates you!
In other words, go with your “gut” feeling. Why do you want to start a blog? How do you want to inspire or help people? What’s in it for THEM? How will your personality fit with what you want to write about?
A lot of people tend to feel scattered when they’re trying to figure out what their blog should be about. When I first started, I knew I wanted to help others by providing healthy, easy, simple recipes, but that’s not to say that I wasn’t tempted to be like my favorite fashion blogger or travel blogger!
All that to say, go with what motivated you to start your blog in the first place! And if you need a little help figuring that out, be sure to check out this post on How To Create A Blog: Know Your Passion!
Just hit PUBLISH.
You just have to do this, friend. No one can do it for you! You may never feel truly ready, but go ahead and hit publish! What’s the worst that can happen?
Once your blog is out there for the public to see, you’ll jump into a rhythm with blog posts and your blog will start to go. There’s no time like the present to get started!
Here’s a helpful post about the logistics of creating a blog!
Make a plan!
Once your blog is out there for the world to see, it’s time to grow your blog! Unfortunately, blog posts will not write themselves (womp womp). Sad day, I know. They take some planning and work ahead of time, so be sure to make a content calendar so that you can write them in advance! I love using CoSchedule for my calendar, but an old-fashioned dry erase board can work wonderfully, too.
That’s all, folks! Once you do these things, you’ll be well on your way to the life of a blogger! If you’re looking for more tips on blogging, be sure to check out the blog tips section of Jar Of Lemons. And be sure to stop by and say hi! I’d love to get to know you, friend!