Decide 2.21.17

“So when we could stand it no longer, we thought it best to be left by ourselves in Athens.” 1 Thessalonians 3:1

The topic of the sermon at our church this weekend was wisdom. Our pastor pointed out that God doesn’t always give us clear direction, and sometimes we just have to make a decision. In this verse, Paul doesn’t say, “And a bright light appeared on the path that the Holy One anointed for us to travel.” They made a decision and “thought it best to be left by ourselves in Athens”.

This isn’t to say that God doesn’t lead us along the path of life and sometimes make the best decision crystal clear. However, when it isn’t so clear, we pray for wisdom, reflect on His Word, seek Godly counsel, and make a decision. He is sovereign over all things and holds all things together. When we do make a mistake, He still uses that for his glory, and we gain wisdom along the way.

*Warning* It’s about to get a little graphic. Before I sat down to write this post, I took my dog out to use the restroom. Little did I know that he would proceed to run to the neighbors yard and roll around in poop. Obviously a very poor choice on his part. However, after making that very clear, I think we both gained a little wisdom. This is a silly (& gross) example of the choices that we make but know that whatever your “rolling in poop” choice is, it doesn’t have to define your day or your life.

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