The Book Every Married Woman Should Read

married to me

During our first year of marriage, we moved to Detroit and Jermelle was on a new team where we knew no one. During that year, I felt alone (and a little bitter) because Detroit was too far away to frequently visit home. Our second year of marriage, I lost my mom, Jermelle lost his job (twice!) and I had some health complications. Needless to say, the first two years of marriage weren’t a walk in the park. Without hesitation, I can say that our marriage was strengthened and our love grew enormously during those tough seasons.


I have no doubt in my mind that What’s It Like to Be Married to Me by Linda Dillow is one of the main reasons we kept our marriage centered in Christ and our foundation in Him did not crumble. The marriage practices and viewpoints I learned through this book really taught me what a godly wife really looks like and who I am called to be for Jermelle.

“When we devote ourselves to praying for him with an alert mind and thankful heart, we’ve given our husband the greatest gift we can give him.”

As I read this marriage-rocking book, breakthroughs happened that strengthened our young and fragile at times marriage. Just a heads up, she asks some tough questions and talks about some touchy subjects.

“What does it feel like to be my husband? What is it like to make love with me? Why do I want to stay mad at him?”

No matter where your marriage is, I would recommend this book to any and every woman. I believe God’s plan for every marriage is to do something great for the kingdom. We can never do too much to strengthen, guide and improve ourselves as wives.

P.S. I’ve read this book twice in the last year! That’s how much I love it.




There are 2 comments

By Deziray | March 13, 2017 at 9:33 pm

Thank you for this, I am going to order it!!

By Kandyce Cudjo | March 13, 2017 at 9:36 pm

You’ll love it! Thanks for always reading, Dez. Love you!

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