It’s Been A Year 2.6.17

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NLT)

It’s been a year since my sweet mom unexpectedly took her trip to Heaven. Some days, I still feel like she’s a call away. So many emotions boil up when I sit down and think about her being gone. Questions flood my mind — why did You allow this to happen? Why me? Why would You do this to my family? That’s when I have to dive into the Word. The enemy has no power when we fill our thoughts and hearts with promises from above. The questions turn into comfort.

I love this promise God gives us. Everything passes through our Father. He’s got it under control, even though it might not look like it. Everything going on in our lives is creating a beautiful picture. We have a choice to make; is this current situation going to bring me closer to Him or push me away? It is our decision.

God has the ability to create something beautiful out of the ugliest mess. When we accept our portion and live out a life for Jesus, no matter the circumstance, the Lord brings everything together for His glory. When we look back, we see that God was working everything out for our good.

It is not our job to figure everything out, it is our job to live in the present and soak it up. Use every circumstance in your life to glorify God. Your mess will turn into your ministry. We must believe God is creating the perfect masterpiece for our lives because that’s who God is, regardless if it makes sense.

As long as I am on this earth, I may never know why God took my mom home on February 6, 2016. But what I do know is since then, lives have been changed and relationships have been healed. And because of that, I continue to praise Jesus every single day of my life.

I pray today is a day we can rejoice with my mom as she spends another day in paradise. I cannot wait until the day when we all are there with her, praising our Father! Until that day, let’s continue to share His love and praise His name.

There are 2 comments

By Chelsie Stark | February 7, 2017 at 11:18 pm

This blog post is absolutely beautiful! To be able to still glorify God in your mother’s passing has to take a lot of courage, obedience, and spritual maturity. I am confident this post will be someone’s ahh-ha moment and will jump start their path to healing! Wishing you organic, juicy, and pesticide-free fruit because this post is everything!

With Love,

Chelsie Stark

By Kandyce Cudjo | February 8, 2017 at 4:27 pm

Chelsie! Thank you so much for your sweet, encouraging words. I love how you write!! Would you be interested in writing in sometime?? P.S. — give that crazy husband of your’s a hug from me!!

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