Finding Rest 12.26.16

“Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Mark 6:31

Throughout this recent holiday season, did you find yourself day-dreaming about a slower pace post-Christmas? I certainly did!  I recall using phrases like “When this Christmas is over, I’ll have time to ____” or, “things should die down a bit in the New Year.” But when I really started to think about it, I realized that the likelihood of the craziness supposedly going away was really slim to none. Especially without some form of personal intervention.

Unfortunately, we are living in an age that never slows down. There are devices for every facet of life, keeping us entertained, informed and distracted. Every moment something new is happening on Facebook and work has just emailed you about an upcoming project, all while your kids are demanding your full attention on their latest Snapchat creation. Sometimes we need to unplug. We simply must turn it all off and allow our minds to find rest for a while. Jesus would often go away for a short time when he needed peace or to take time to pray (Matthew 14:13). He challenged His apostles to do likewise  in Mark 6:31 — “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Even before Jesus’ time, God commanded a day of rest for us in His Ten Commandments: “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). Although this verse has meant a lot of things to different people of different denominations, it all comes back to finding rest. That kind of solitude and time for reflection is beneficial for each of us. In those moments we are able to draw near to God.

This week as we prepare for 2017, I encourage you to incorporate rest into your daily routine. Find ways that you could adjust your schedule to allow for quiet time by yourself, unplugged from the world. It will improve your health, mental wellness, and even (potentially) alleviate some of the busyness in your life.

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