Ask The Expert: Skincare Tips & Tricks

As women, we are always looking for new products — tricks and treatments to get that glowing skin we all want. Close friend and owner of Eye Catching Beauty, Ashley Hale, gives us her expert advice to achieve the beautiful, healthy skin we long for. She also clears up some questions we have that only a professional can answer.
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If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?
The number one key to skin care is preventative. A lot of people don’t start thinking about skin care until they are wanting to “fix” something. By then, we are having to work on doing corrective skin care instead of just maintaining or preventing. Start a skincare routine now, no matter what age you are.
What should my nightly routine look like?
Nightly routine is a total commitment, but one worth making if you want to look 10 years younger as you age. Follow these steps every night:
Step 1: Toner. You should always use a toner to take your makeup off before washing your face (my personal favorite is Eminence Rice Milk Cleanser, hydrating and not harsh on the skin) . Face wash is meant to cleanse your face, not remove the makeup, this allows the face wash to remove oil and other impurities to keep pores tight and rid of blemishes.
Step 2: Cleanser. You want to find a cleanser that accommodates your particular skin type. For instance if you have dry skin, you should gravitate more towards a creamy cleanser. For acne or oily prone skin, you will want to look for more a gel consistency.
Step 3: Exfoliate. At-home exfoliation is SO IMPORTANT. You want to make sure you are exfoliating 3 times a week. Get yourself on a schedule (M-W-F). Exfoliation helps remove the barrier of dead skin and unclogs pores, it helps reveal the fresh skin below which allows your products to penetrate deeper into your skin.
Step 4: Mask. This step only has to be done once a week and can be so fun! I love having the girls over for mask/wine nights. (Hey — It’s a good excuse for girl time!) Find a mask that suits what your target goal is. If your skin is acne prone go for a radish, grapefruit, mud or clay mask. If you’re wanting anti-aging go for a bamboo or acai mask. Switch it up with every season and make it interesting. This is my favorite step!
Step 5: Moisturize/gel/serum. This step varies for me, depending on what is going on with my skin. My go-to with this step is a pink grapefruit gel, it’s so great for hydrating and breakouts. It’s super light so not quite as heavy like a moisturizer. When my skin is dry (middle of winter especially) I use a moisturizer because my skin needs the extra moisture. If you’re focusing on anti-aging, I would go with a recovery serum.
Step 6: Eye Cream. The skin around your eyes is the most fragile skin on your face. Therefore, it shows aging and fatigue quicker than any other area on your face. Even if you don’t have bags and wrinkles yet, start now.
Sometimes my skin changes when the weather changes, what do I do?
Changing up products during different seasons is definitely recommended! Most people’s faces dry out during the winter with the harsh winds, dry climate, etc. Find extra moisturizing masques (chocolate mousse masks and coconut cream masks are two of my favorites). Know your skin type. Give it some TLC!
I’m on a tight budget. What are some ways to save money?
You can still get great products that are inexpensive or even make your own. I love this mask recipe:
1 tbsp Clay Powder – I personally like Aztec Secret’s Indian Healing Clay.
1 tbsp turmeric – This herb is AMAZING for the skin, whether applied topically or mixed in as flavoring with food.
1 tbsp coconut oil – Add more if needed.
Leave on your face for 10-15 minutes or until it hardens.
What should I look for when buying facial products?
I would recommend using plant based products. They are more healing to the skin and not as harsh. Just like you pay attention to ingredients in foods, pay attention to the ingredients in your skin care items. It only takes 26 seconds for chemicals in your products to enter your bloodstream! Know what you are putting on your skin.
When I eat certain foods, I sometimes breakout. Is this normal?
Most people fail to realize that what you’re putting in your body has a lot to do with how your skin looks. The cleaner you eat, the better your complexion will be. Dairy and alcohol are two of the most dehydrating and damaging groups for your skin. Fruits and vegetables have so many different vitamins and minerals that help aid in healing the skin, anti-aging and skin rejuvenation. Omega-3 fatty acids help the elasticity of the skin. Whole grains help block the free radicals that cause wrinkles, dark spots and other signs of aging. Make sure you have a balanced and healthy diet for gorgeous looking skin. Lastly, drink lots and lots of water!