Never Forgotten 6.16.17

“God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the animals that were with him in the ark.”  Genesis 8:1

In the midst of trials, we may sometimes become discouraged and think that God has forgotten us. Maybe that comes in the form of unanswered prayer, an onslaught of misgivings, or undetectable motion by the Spirit. Fortunately, we have assurance that we have not been forgotten. The Bible shows us countless accounts where God remains faithful, remembers His children, and acts on His promises. 

In Genesis, we read how the flood destroyed the world. Only those who were with Noah in the ark remained alive. But God remembered them and sent a wind to dry the waters so that they could leave the ark.

When Israel was in bondage in Egypt, we read that “God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” (Exodus 2:24)

God also remembered Hannah when she prayed for a son (1 Sam. 1:19). He gave her a child, Samuel.

Jesus remembered the dying thief who said, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” Jesus replied, “Today You will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:42-43).

God remembers us wherever we are. Our concerns are His concerns. Our pain is His pain. Commit your challenges and difficulties to Him. He is the all-seeing God who remembers us and desires to meet our needs. He is unchanging in His love and grace.


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