Keepsake God 1.20.17
“You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise… You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:7,9
It’s been said that we draw nearest to God in the valleys rather than when things appear to be going our way. You may even be able to recall those experiences as completely life-altering milestones in your journey. But where are memories of the moments in-between? Did God move from us or did we forget the ways in which we were moved by God?
The truth is, He provides us mental snapshots of His goodness all the time. They can be found in His word, the relationships you hold dear, and glimpses of your past. For instance, looking back to a time before you knew Christ and thanking Him can serve as a memento for His abounding and transformative love. This was not dissimilar to the Israelites, who were urged to make daily reminders for themselves of the powerful ways God had been faithful in THEIR lives. Even when they continued to make mistakes and repeat a pattern of sustained sin, He was gracious to forgive.
Deuteronomy tells us to remember His mercy in every season. Love Him with with all your heart, mind and strength (v. 6), and live it out in all you do and say. Pass down a legacy of His love to your children and write the words of fulfilled promises on your doorposts, so that you may never forget His blessings in your life. Giving Him a visible place of honor preserves those blessings and makes them a keepsake that you can relive day-in and day-out.
How are you holding onto His blessings in your daily walk?