All About Alice

My name is Alice Decker and I’m a wife, dog-mom, Disney enthusiast, and encourager at The Well. Although now currently living in (and loving) Oklahoma City, I am a Lebanon, Missouri native and a graduate of Kansas State University’s Interior Architecture program. I enjoy the city life, but I will always be a small town girl with the driving dysfunctions to prove it. I am also a proud INFP with a lot of passion for design and creativity. During my fourth year of school, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy and happened to meet my husband Ben while doing so. Once we married in 2012, I began to pursue professional photography through the creation of Decker8 Creative Studio.
Since then I have grown my business shooting portraits for primarily weddings and recently became an Interior Designer for an online company called Havenly. I use my free time to advocate for Bully breeds through a weekly photo post called #FurryTwinFriday with my adorable dog, Belle. And finally, I am a consultant for Rodan + Fields to fund my skincare obsession. (DEEP BREATH)
In the short description of myself you just read, you may have noticed the disjointed nature of my career path as well as the fact that I have my hand in several design-related cookie jars. The truth of the matter is that I enjoy everything I do and couldn’t imagine working any other way. At 28, I’m realizing that I may never settle into one single job. While my peers are climbing the corporate ladder and making names for themselves at their respective firms, I’m still discovering where my strengths lie and trying out new things. And that’s okay. Keeping my work fresh, exciting and purpose driven is paramount to my personality type.
When I was presented with the opportunity to encourage women through The Well, my career path again fell into this beautiful crux where my creative passions overlapped with my purpose. The places and connections that got me to this point were not coincidences at all. It originally seemed out of my comfort zone, yet I felt as though it was the place that I needed to be, serving a greater good. I still find satisfaction through pursuit of design and photography, but now I get to share those pursuits with you.
I know that my story might possibly ring true for a lot of you as well. I want to let other women know that you do not need to feel forever tied to the career in which you received a degree. Not everyone is able to determine exactly which direction their life should steer during their peak years of maturation. And I feel strongly that no woman should have to succumb to the necessity of life’s demands by taking a position that was not meant for her. While being responsible for your financial security is important, you need to be somewhere that appropriately utilizes your talents and satisfies a need for meaning.
My hope is that if your career is leaving you unfulfilled, you would consider seeking out purpose in your life. Take a spiritual gifts test or Strength Finder to discover your calling and just go for it. These kinds of life changes will not happen overnight, but there are always small steps to be taken in order to move toward your dreams. In the words of my main man, Walt Disney himself,
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Check out for more information on finding your purpose.
There are 14 comments
That girl is adorable… Is she available?!
Proud of you. 🙂
Sweet Alice!! I love the story of you! You are amazing and wonderful, gifted and talented. Thank you for sharing yourself with the world. Love you.
Mary Beth!!! You’re gonna make me cry. Thank you for always being my biggest fan and encouraging me to do great things! I truly admire you as a person and friend.
Alice! Love this! You are awesome!:) Can’t wait to hear more from you.
I love you, Natalie! Thank you for supporting me, sweet friend!
Super encouraging! If not for anyone else, know that these were words for me!
Be a blessing and be blessed!
It’s crazy how I still look up to you!
Stephanie. Your spirit is so beautiful and you’ve absolutely touched me! Thank you for being a blessing in MY life and know that I look up to you in so many ways too!
I ❤️ Chazown but ❤️ Alice so much more!
Blakely, I heart you dearly! Thank you for taking me on this journey with you!
This is so encouraging Alice! I am currently “struggling” internally with purpose vs financial stability vs comfort vs faith in taking that leap. As strange as it sounds, it so encouraging to hear that someone is in a similar thought process as I am…finding myself dabbling in many types of creative outlets, but not settling on one. As I kept reading I thought “YES! Someone gets it!” So, thank you!
Doesn’t it feel so good to know you’re not alone?! Sometimes I get down thinking that I’m “supposed” to be using my degree I worked so hard for, BUT when it comes down to it, that degree is what exposed me to all the different roles I have access to now. God does not make coincidences. Trust that you have the passions you have for a reason and know that we are all in this together! Love you, girlfriend!
I’m so excited about “The Well” and all the encouraging uplifting messages. Thanks to all three of you for sharing your stories and giving us daily inspiration!
Thank you SO much for following along with us, Donna! We cannot wait to see where this journey takes us. Hope you have a truly blessed week and enjoy all the pumpkin joy coming to the blog!
You sound just like me. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!