About Us
The Well is a place for all women to be refreshed and inspired. By living our lives with authenticity and transparency, we strengthen and encourage one another.
Who We Are
We are a community of women – dreamers, believers, wanderers, doers.
What This Is
The Well is a space to be filled with encouragement, inspiration, and celebration while sharing our gifts, passions, and lives with one another.
Because life is more full when we share it.

Women of The Well

Alice Decker
Creative Lead, Optimist, Adventure Seeker, Design AddictFavorite Quote: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, that He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as we see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:23
Current Obsession: I'm currently obsessed with Halo Top ice cream, olive green, Escape Rooms, and pumpkin candles.
All About My Dog: My dog Belle lights up my life! She is a Pit Bull/Boxer/Ridgeback mix that we adopted from Don't Bully Me Rescue in Austin, TX. My love for her can only be described by the weekly pictures we take together that you can find on Instagram under #FurryTwinFriday. We are hoping to give her a little [doggie] brother or sister soon.
Who I Root for on Saturdays: K-state Wildcats! GO STATE! (I may or may not practice the cheerleader routines for the Fight Song and Wabash on a daily basis) Sorry, not sorry.
Guilty Pleasure: Reality TV. I basically watch any show that's competitive and high drama. I wouldn't say it's my goal in life, but I'd LOVE to go on Big Brother.
My goal in life: To go on Ellen! LOL I've got big dreams, y'all.

Blakely Berry
Brand Developer, Jesus + People Lover, Nurturer, Wellness JunkieFavorite Quote:
"For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." Luke 6:45
Current Obsession:
Chemex, weekly Bible study with my family, and skincare
All About My Dog:
I never knew I could love a non-human so much, but I have completely become a “Crazy Dog Mom.” No shame. Benjamin Franklin Berry, or “Ben” for short, is a 2-year old Flat-Coated Retriever that loves lazy mornings, family cuddles, walks with Mom, snack time with Dad, and sunny days lounging at his grandparents’ pool with a big stick to chew on.
What’s your favorite part of yourself? I’m a nurturer and really love people. I think my best quality is making people feel appreciated and at home. I love filling my home with people (old friends and new), a warm, healthful meal, and great conversation.
Guilty Pleasure: The Royal Family. I want to be Kate's best friend and share her closet.
Why did you start The Well?
The simple answer - God put it on my heart. I wanted to create something that mattered to people - something that encourages, inspires and celebrates in every season of life. When talking to friends, family, co-workers, and complete strangers, I saw the need for a place that fills people up and refreshes their body and soul. Alice, Kandyce, and I have completely different personalities, passions, and talents, but we have the commonality of loving God and people. From that foundation The Well was born.

Kandyce Cudjo
Community Lead, Jesus Follower, Thankful Wife, Bully Mama, Lover of All Things FitnessFavorite Quote: “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28
Current Obsession: Shoes are my love language, especially Nikes. Why are shoes so great? I don’t know why but a good pair of shoes can completely turn around a bad day. Just sayin’.
All About My Dog: Everything you’ve heard about English Bulldogs is true. They snore, are always cuddly and give lots of slobbery kisses. Deuce is our oldest -- the older he gets, the more stubborn he becomes. But he gives the sweetest cuddles. Bear is the baby. It doesn’t get any sweeter than this pooch -- he just chews up everything. We are pretty in love with our two bullies.
What’s your favorite part of yourself? I love that I am a loyal friend. I will go to war for the people I love. My friend Meredith told me once, “you love hard.” And yes I do. Sometimes a little too hard, but whatevs.
What inspires you? My sweetie is my daily inspiration. He works hard at everything he does. No matter if it’s on the football field or doing the laundry. He always does his best. (Yes, my husband does our laundry. I know, right?)
Guilty Pleasure? YogurtLand. Ounces and ounces of Yogurtland. I have a system -- halfway fill, toppings, fill the rest of the cup, more toppings. And I’m a platinum card holder, if you were wondering.